WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY- 10:00
Market Report- Friday May 13, 2022
HANGING BASKETS- (627) 8.00- 34.00
OVALS and PLANTERS- (129) 8.00- 100.00
4” and 6” ANNUALS- (1605) 1.25- 9.50
ANNUALS- flats- (108) 8.00- 16.00
VEGETABLE- flats- (69) 3.00- 20.00
VEGETABLE PLANTS- (83) .50- 2.50
LG.TOMATO PLANTS- (32) 3.00- 11.00
BERRY PLANTS- (128) 1.50- 10.00 (strawberry, raspberry)
PERENNIALS- (217) 1.25- 12.50
TREES and SHRUBS- (61) 3.00- 27.00
Dahlia and Canna bulbs
OTHER- Eggs, Baked Goods, Jelly, Garlic Powder, Rhubarb,
Morel Mushrooms, Herbs
5 Loads Hay- 150 bales- 3.50- 5.25
1Load Straw- 22 bales- 3.75
Non Local- Bananas, Grapes, Cut flowers