I hope you find this blog helpful for timely information about Owl Creek Produce Auction. For those not familiar with our story, the produce auction began in 2006 as a marketing tool for local growers; mostly from the Amish community. Since its beginning, the auction has grown to become a gathering place and networking source for all kinds of activities.
Sellers and buyers of produce of all kinds are always welcome at the auction. From pints to truck loads, we sell a huge variety of products throughout the produce season.
Thanks to all who made our flower season a huge success, and have a safe and fun "Independence Day".
Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Follow the auction at http://owlcreeknews.blogspot.com.
Fresh Local Produce
Monday at 11:00 , Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 9:00
Basil- bunch- (14) .25- 2.00
Beets- pk.- (18) 6.00- 7.00
Blueberries- pt.- (62) 2.25- 3.25
12 pt. Case- (7) 22.00- 27.50
Broccoli- ea.- (22) .50- 3.00
Cauliflower- ea.- (182) .25- 1.00
Cucumber- pk.- (62) 2.50- 4.50
24 ct.- (52) 1.50- 5.50
Green Beans- pk.- (38) 5.00- 8.00
Kohlrabi- ea.- (92) .25- .50
Lettuce- (10) .25- 1.75
Onions-pk.- (76) 3.00- 9.50
Peas- pk.- (13) 3.00- 3.50
Pickles- pk.- (53) 1.00- 5.00
Bu.- (2) 2.75
Radish-bunch- (32) .25- 2.60
Black Raspberries- pt.- (22) 2.50- 3.00
12 pt. flat- (6) 30.00- 37.00
Red Raspberries- pt.- (52) 2.00- 3.50
12 pt. flat-(1) 31.00
Rhubarb-bunch-(19) 1.25- 2.25
Strawberries- pt.-(12) 2.25- 3.25
Sweet Corn- 4 doz. Crate- (10) 5.00
10# Tomatoes- (81) 15.00- 23.00
10# Green-(6) 10.00
10# Yellow- (2) 16.00
Zucchini- pk. (76) .50- 3.00
½ Bu.- (34) 1.50- 3.00
Yellow Squash-pk- (7) 2.00- 3.00
½ Bu.- (13) 1.50- 3.00
Hanging Baskets- (14) 4.00- 9.00
Planters/ Ovals- (4) 4.00- 4.50