Tuesday, September 8, 2015

A large crowd of buyers and curiosity seekers made for a fun Labor Day auction here at Owl Creek Produce Auction. Abundant and colorful MUMS, PUMPKINS, and FALL SQUASH complimented the full house of summer produce offerings. We'll see you on Wenesday for more.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
740-627-1660       owlcreeknews.blogspot.com
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Monday- Labor Day, September 7, 2015

Acorn Squash- ea. (735) .20-.60
Apples- pk. (17) 3.00- 4.50
Basil- bunch (8) 3.00
Beets- pk. ()
Butternut Squash- (242) .50- .70
Spaghetti Squash- (172) .50- 1.20
Cabbage- ea. (305) .50- .90
Cantaloupe- (1454) .20- 3.00
Corn- Doz. (11) 3.50- 5.00
 5 doz. Bag (2) 17.00
            Bin per doz.  
Cucumber- pk. (2) 14.00
Eggplant- pk. (3) 3.00
Garlic- bulb (143) .25- .55
Green Beans- pk. ()
Gourds-pk. (16) 3.00- 4.00
              Bin- ea. (1041) .25- .40
            Large- ea. ()
Indian Corn-(116) 1.50- 2.00
Onions- Pk. (9) 7.00-11.00
            Bag (22) 14.00- 20.00
Peaches- ½ pk. ()
Pk. (43) 6.50-12.00
       ½ bu. (11) 7.00- 11.00  
Pears- pk. (10) 5.00
Peppers- XL- ea. (365) .27
Pk. (11) 4.00- 10.00                
Bu. (3) 11.00
Hot- pk. (4) 7.50
Sweet- pk. (48) 1.00- 2.00
Plums- pk. (27) 3.00- 12.00  
Potatoes- pk. (14) 2.00- 8.00
50#- (4) 10.00

Pumpkins- (523) 2.50-12.00
    White (159) .25- 4.00
     Novelty (131) 1.75- 3.50
                 Pie (1658) .35- 3.00
                 Mini- pk. (61) 4.00- 5.50

10# Tomato- (569) 3.50- 12.00
10# Green Tomato- (14) 4.50- 13.50
10# Yellow Tomato- (46) 2.00- 7.50
Roma Tomato- pk. (48) 3.50- 11.00
½ bu. Canner- (66) 5.50- 12.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (87) .50- 1.60 

Watermelon- (756) .60- 3.50
Yellow Squash- pk. (9) 4.50- 10.00

Zucchini- pk. (29) 5.00- 6.50

Strawberries- pt. (44) 3.75- 5.00
Blackberries- pt. ()
MUMS- (705) 3.00- 7.50
            HB & LG. - (53) 6.00- 22.50
Asters- (8) 4.50

Other- Eggs, Okra,Walnuts,
Ground Cherries.