Saturday, May 27, 2017

Friday May 26 MARKET REPORT. Don't forget our MEMORIAL DAY SALE at 11:00 Monday. Great strawberries picked Monday morning will be here! Join us for a fun holiday auction.

 Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00

Friday May 24, 2017

Local STRAWBERRIES - 8 qt. flat (94) 25.00- 32.00
                        Qt. (29) 3.50- 5.75
                        Pt. (7) 2.75

Hanging Baskets (349) 4.00- 25.00
Planters and Ovals (81) 4.00- 18.00
Annual Flowers- flats (195) 1.50- 15.00

Annual Flower- 4”- 6” (1609) .30- 3.25

Vegetables- flats (143) .25- 10.00

Vegetables - 4”- 6” (326) .25- 1.50

Perennial and Landscaping (71) 1.50- 8.50

Berry Plants
            Strawberry (28) 1.00
            Red Raspberry (9) 3.50- 7.00

Eggs (94) .30- 1.30
Rhubarb bundles (26) 1.75- 2.25
Asparagus, Baked Goods
Green Onions, Radishes,
 Lettuce, Spinach, Kale
Tomato Cages, Shitake Mushrooms