Friday, October 9, 2020

We expect just as great of sale to come on Monday, October 12th at 11am.


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

Friday, October 9, 2020


½ PK (28) 3.00-4.00      

PK (18) 1.00-6.50

Beets PK (11) 2.00-6.00


     Strawberry Pt (5) 3.75

Broccoli (3) 1.50-2.75

Cabbage (177) .45-2.00

Carrot PK (2) 4.50

Cauliflower (57) 1.60-5.50

     Purple (5) 1.40


    Sweet Corn dozen (10) 2.00-2.25

       Indian corn 3 ear bundle (331) .55-4.50

       Popcorn (120) .25-.35

Cucumber PK (2) 4.25

Eggplant PK (9) 2.00-2.50

Garlic bulb (243) .15-.90


     Piece (2772) .05-5.00

     PK (8) 1.50-3.50

     Apple gourds box (5) 4.25

     Egg gourds (60) .25

Green Bean

     PK (7) 4.50-6.00

     ½ BU (2) 5.00

     Half-runner PK (2) 5.00


     PK (53) 1.00-7.50

     ½ BU (1) 4.00

     BU (56) 5.00-11.00

     Hot PK (35) 2.00-7.50

     Sweet - PK (16) .50-2.00

Pumpkins (2481) .50-7.25

     Bin (1) 32.50

Fall Mix (214) .50-5.00

Mini fall mix (400) .25

Mini pumpkins (490) .35-.45

     PK (6) 2.00-3.00

     ½ BU (19) 3.50-5.00

Novelty pumpkins (876) .25-3.75

Pie Pumpkins (1719) .10-1.90

White Pumpkins (355) .60-3.50

White Pie pumpkins (577) .20-3.50

Acorn Squash

          Pc (346) .10-2.00

          PK (3) 3.00-4.00

Butternut Squash

       Pc. (222) .25-2.25

       PK (8) 2.75-6.50

       BU (8) 2.00

Cushaw (15) 2.00-2.50

Delicata (78) .40-1.10

     Spaghetti Squash (174) .10-1.75

     PK (3) .25

     BU (2) 1.00

Turks Turbans (145) .25

Zucchini (1) 2.75

     PK (17) 3.50-6.50

10# Tomato (60) 3.50-17.00

     PK (33) 3.50-6.50

    Green 10# (40) 1.00-6.00

     Heirlooms (7) 4.50-14.00

     Yellow (4) 3.50-5.50

     Roma PK (14) 4.00-5.00

     ½ bu. Canner (21) 4.50-6.00

     Cherry Pt (86) .50-1.10

Tomitilloes (3) 6.00

MUMS (212) 2.50-21.00

OTHER- Baked goods, eggs, mini straw bales, bittersweet, ground cherries, honey, jam, maple syrup, rhubarb, corn stalks, cut flowers, Gerber daisies, Strawberry plants, STRAW