Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Bargains throughout the auction. It's time to fill the blank spots in flower beds and get those gardens planted. And don't forget to put up some strawberry jam for the winter.

 Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00

                                 Wednesday May 31, 2017

Local STRAWBERRIES - 8 qt. flat (86) 21.00- 32.00
                        Qt. (41) 1.00- 4.00
                        Pt. (35) 1.50- 2.50

Hanging Baskets (223) 2.00- 20.00
Planters and Ovals (76) 6.00- 18.00

Annual Flowers- flats (162) 3.00- 11.00

Annual Flower- 4”- 6” (1752) .20- 2.50

Vegetables- flats (118) 1.00- 7.00

Vegetables - 4”- 6” (118) .25- 2.50

Large Tomato Plants (4) 3.50- 11.00

Perennial and Landscaping (82) 1.00- 12.00

Berry Plants
            Strawberry (15) .50
Blackberry (5) 1.00

Eggs (44) 1.00- 1.30
Asparagus (15) 2.00
            Rhubarb (13) 1.10- 2.50
            Romaine Lettuce
            Dahlia Bulbs