Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Our last Wednesday auction of 2020 was a quick, chilly auction with some very nice product for the attendees.

 We expect more nice products for our Friday auction. We need your consignments of HAY, STRAW, AND FIREWOOD for upcoming auctions. This Friday will be an 11:00 sale as usual. Beginning NOVEMBER 7 auctions will be every SATURDAY AT 10:00 for the winter months.


                         Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report

    740-627-166 . 

 WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00



Apples- pk. (7) 3.00- 5.00

SQUASH- Butternut (20) .65

                Buttercup (10) .20

Cauliflower- (75) 1.00

Cucumber- pk. (1) 4.00

Garlic- bulb ()

Gourds- pk. (4) .85- 2.50

Indian Corn- 3 ear (8) 1.00

Onions- Pk. ()

Peppers- pk. ()

     Red& Yellow- pk. ()

     Bu. ()

     Hot- pk. ()

     Sweet Banana- pk. ()

Potatoes- pk. (7) 2.00- 2.50

Pumpkins (98) .15- 1.00

      Pie Pumpkins (329) .02- .10

      Novelty (7) .40- 1.00

      Mini- pk. (5) 1.25- 4.00

      Mini- ea. (170) .04         

  10# Tomato (31) 4.00- 6.00

     Green (8) 3.00- 3.50

     ½ bu. Canner (6) 3.00

       Pk. Canner (16) 2.50- 4.50 

MUMS- 6” (147) .35- .85

Pansy Bowl- (108) .25- .35

6” Celosia- (84) .25- .30

6” Rudbekia (40) .25- .35


OTHER-  Eggs, Honey, Kohlrabi, Radish, Jam, Kale