Saturday, May 11, 2013

Very nice offerings at Friday's auction! We were able to finish before the thunderstorms hit. Details are posted in the market report. Join us twice each week for great spring produce and plant materials.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Friday, May 10, 2013 
      Fredericktown, Ohio
Follow the auction at

 Flowers, Vegetable Plants Wednesday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs every Friday 9:00

Hanging Baskets- (336) 3.00- 35.00

Planters/ Ovals- (89) 4.00- 25.00  

Annual Flower Flats- (119) 4.50- 16.00

AnnualFlowers-4”-10”pots-(938) .45-13.00

Vegetable Flats- (67) .50- 17.00

Vegetable- 4” pots- (320) .25- 2.00

Large Tomato Plants- (68) 1.00- 7.50

Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (101) .50- 2.25
Landscape and shrubs- (51) 1.50- 30.00

Fruit Trees- (27) 3.00- 8.50
Grape Vine- (12) 3.50- 4.50

BlueberryPlants1.50- 7.50                                            
Raspberry Plants- (36) 1.50- 4.50  

Asparagus- 1# bunch- (70) 1.75- 3.50

Local Strawberries- pt. (11) 3.00- 4.00

Lettuce- (19) 1.00- 2.25  

Spinach- (2) 2.50- 2.75

Radish- bunch- (10) 1.25

Rhubarb- bunch- (52) 1.50- 3.00

Hay- 6 Loads
            Small Square- 4.50- 5.00
            Large Round- 12.50- 37.50

Wood- 1 Load- 65.00
Other- Onion Sets, Rhubarb Plants, Morel and Shitake Mushrooms, Tomato Stakes, Honey,      Sweet Potato Slips, Maple Syrup, Baked Goods.