Friday, October 16, 2020

Friday full of Farmers with a variety of fresh produce


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report

740-627-1660     7385 CR 22, Fredericktown, OH 43019

MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

Friday, October 16, 2020


   ½ pk (9) 3.75-4.25 

Broccoli (3) .75

Cabbage (90) 1.60

Cauliflower (3) 4.00


       Indian corn 3 ear bundle (120) .75-2.00

       Popcorn (60) .25-.65

Eggplant (4) 2.00

Garlic bulb (160) .15-.55


     Piece (405) .03-.55

     PK (1) .50

     Birdhouse (75) 1.75

     Egg gourds (90) .09-.12

Green bean PK (1) 4.00

Onion PK (20) 7.00-13.00

     ½ BU (1) 5.00

     Bag (1) 17.00


     PK (15) 1.00-7.00

     ½ BU (4) 1.25-2.00

     BU (107) 2.00-10.00

     Hot Pepper PK (10) .25-1.75

     Sweet Ban Pepper PK (2) 3.50

Pumpkins (1164) .50-8.00

Fall Mix Bin (1) 20.00

Mini pumpkins (450) .06-.75

Novelty pumpkins (317) .05-.85

Pie Pumpkins (404) .10-.95

White Pumpkins (256) .25-3.00

White Pie Pumpkins (207) .15-.50

Acorn Squash Pc (48) .25-.30

Buttercup Squash Pc (85) .15

Butternut Squash

       Pc. (396) .04-1.00

       PK (2) 1.00

Cushaw Squash (2) 1.00

Delicata (48) .35

Honeynut Squash (40) .06

Spaghetti Squash (100) .04-5.50

Turks Turbans (95) .25


     PK (6) 2.00-4.00

10# Tomato (49) 3.00-17.00

     PK (16) 2.00-8.00

     Green 10# (17) 1.00-6.50

     Heirlooms (7) 3.00-15.00

     Yellow (1) 3.00

     ½ bu. Canner (25) 1.0-4.00

     Cherry pt. (36) .45

Celosia (143) .25-1.75

Flowering Kale (93) .25-1.00

Ornamental Grass (24) .35

Mums (211) .33-18.00

Strawberry plants (72) 1.00-1.25

½ barrel planters (27) 8.50-10.00


OTHER- baked goods, eggs, ground cherries,  honey, maple syrup, mushrooms, radishes, mini straw bales, bitter sweet vines, cut flowers