Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Follow the auction at http://owlcreeknews.blogspot.com.
Local Produce, Flowers, Vegetable Plants-
Monday at 11:00 , Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs- Every Friday 9:00
Hanging Baskets- (28) 5.00- 17.00
Planters/ Ovals- (8) 9.00- 13.00
Annual Flower Flats- (31) 4.50- 11.00
AnnualFlowers-4”- 6”pots-(158) .60- 2.35
Vegetable Flats- (18) 1.00- 7.00
Vegetable- 4” pots- (251) .10- .60
Large Tomato Plants- (2) 2.75
Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (19) .90- 5.00
Landscape and shrubs- ()
Local Strawberries- Pint-
Quart- (4) 2.75
8 qt. flat- (102) 18.00- 27.00
Rhubarb- bunch- ()
Radish- bunch- (42) .40- 1.00
Eggs- doz- ()
Other- Green Onions, Lettuce, Maple Syrup, Baked Goods, Kohlrabi.