Community Benefit Auction at Owl Creek next Saturday- 9:00
Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 11:00 and Friday- 10:00
Friday July 23, 2021
3 beet bundle w/ tops (22) .70- 2.25
Broccoli (24) .10- 2.00
Cabbage (261) .25- 1.75
Cantaloupe ()
Cauliflower (38)1.00- 2.00
Sweet Corn- doz. ()
Bin Corn- doz. (168) 4.50- 5.75
Cucumber- pk. (23) 2.00- 7.00
24 ct. (27) 7.00- 9.00
Eggplant- pk. (11) 5.00- 7.00
Garlic- ea. (257) .30- .90
Green Beans- pk. (108) 2.50- 8.00
Yellow Beans- pk. (9) 6.00- 7.00
Purple Beans- pk. (5) 8.00
Onions- ea. (652) .05- .75
Pk. (43) 3.00- 11.00
Peppers- pk. (32) 3.00- 7.00
½ bu. (48) 4.00- 6.00
Bu. (66) 7.00- 10.00
Hot- pk. (36) 3.00- 9.00
Sweet Banana- pk. (12) 4.00- 10.00
Pickles- pk. (20) 3.00-11.00
Potatoes- pk. (22) 5.50- 9.00
Summer Squash- pk. (4) 4.00
½ Bu. (7) 7.00
10# Tomato (229) 8.00- 23.00
10# Yellow (18) 14.00- 27.00
10# Green (23) 7.00- 15.00
Roma-pk. (6) 10.00
½ Bu. Canner- (33) 6.00- 11.00
Zucchini Squash pk. (24) 2.00- 3.50
½ Bu. (46) 2.00- 8.00
Bu. (6) 5.00
Strawberries- pt. (38) 2.00- 3.00
12 pt. flat (2) 45.00
Black Raspberries- pt. ()
12 pt. flat ()
Blueberries- pt. (47) 2.50- 4.00
12 pt. flat ()
Blackberries- pt. ()
12 pt. flat ()
Other- Eggs, Rhubarb, Kohlrabi, Ground Cherries
Flowers and Plant Materials
Hanging Baskets (112) .75- 2.50
Annuals (6ct. tray) (20) 1.00- 3.00
Planters (57) 2.50- 2.00
Rose (6) 10.00- 30.00