Saturday, May 4, 2013

Warm and sunny at Friday's auction. We began using two auctioneers and moved through things quickly. Join us Wednesday and Friday for great Mother's Day values.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Friday, May3, 2013 
Fredericktown, Ohio
Follow the auction at

 Flowers, Vegetable Plants Wednesday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs every Friday 9:00

Hanging Baskets- (184) 5.00- 22.00

Planters/ Ovals- (39) 4.00- 21.00  

Annual Flower Flats- (51) 7.00- 13.00


Vegetable Flats- (69) 2.00- 16.00

Vegetable- 4” pots- (45) 1.00

Large Tomato Plants- (72) 1.25- 7.00

Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (77) 1.50- 4.00
(hosta, herbs, horseradish, canna, etc.)

Fruit Trees- (28) 6.00- 8.00

Grape Vine- (2) 5.00

Strawberry Plants- (461) .15- .35
Blueberry Plants- (14) 6.50- 10.00
Raspberry Plants- (35) 1.00- 4.00  

Eggs- (226) 1.20- 1.60

Asparagus- 1# bunch- (7) 4.25  

Green Onion- bunch-()
Lettuce- ovals & bowls- (4) 3.00

Spinach- ()

Other- Onion Sets, Rhubarb Plants, Baked Goods, Candies, Maple Syrup, Honey, Morel and Shitake Mushrooms

Hay- 2 Loads-
 Small Square- 5.75- 7.25