Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Nice volume of a good variety of BERRIES and VEGETABLES three days every week at 11:00 each sale day.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
740-627-1660    owlcreeknews.blogspot.com
MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

Local strawberries- pt. (20) 2.00- 3.00
Black Raspberries- pt. (16) 1.50- 4.00
            12 PT. FLAT (8) 40.00- 47.00
Blueberries-pt. (12) 3.00   
Broccoli (40) .25- 1.10
Cauliflower (45) 1.85- 4.00
Cucumber- pk. (26) 1.00- 4.50
            24 ct. (33) 4.00- 10.50
Garlic- bulb (26) .25- .50
Kohlrabi- ea. (81) .80
Lettuce (52) .55- 1.00
Onions- ea (60) .90- 1.00
            Pk. (5) 7.00- 8.00
Pickles- pk. (57) 2.50- 10.00
Hot Peppers- pk. (2) 7.00
Potatoes-red pk. (7) 4.00- 5.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (12) 1.00- 3.00            
                     ½ Bu (13) 3.00- 4.00
10# Tomato (9) 16.00- 21.00
            Pk. (8) 2.00- 8.50
            Green (3) 13.00        
Zucchini- pk (46) 1.00- 3.00
 ½ Bu (91) .50- 4.00                                                         

  OTHER- Beets, Eggs, Herbs, Jam, Peaches, Snow Peas