Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Follow the auction at owlcreeknews.blogspot.com.
Flowers, Vegetable Plants Wednesday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs every Friday 9:00
Hanging Baskets- (223) 7.00- 35.00
Planters/ Ovals- (78) 5.50- 25.00
Annual Flower Flats- (90) 6.50- 15.00
Vegetable Flats- (51) 1.00- 12.00
Vegetable- 4” pots- (241) .50- 4.00
Large Tomato Plants- (37) 1.75- 9.00
Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (37) 1.75- 4.50
Landscape and shrubs- (30) 4.50- 37.50
Fruit Trees- (24) 4.50- 7.50
Grape Vine- (6) 2.00- 5.50
Blueberry Plants- (12) 5.50- 7.50
Raspberry Plants- (8) 3.50
Asparagus- 1# bunch- (27) 4.25- 6.25
Other- Onion Sets, Rhubarb Plants, Morel Mushrooms, Tomato Stakes