Saturday, August 15, 2020

Good quantities of terrific produce is coming to the auction three days each week. 11:00 every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday. A great time to eat well and store up for later!


                         Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00



Beets-pk. (15) 5.00- 9.00

Cabbage (329) .10- 2.00

Cantaloupe (1484) .25- 2.50

     Sugar Cube (475) .40- .55

Corn- doz. (25) 2.25- 4.25

     5 Doz. Bag (21) 15.00- 17.50

     Bin per Doz. (859) 2.25- 4.75  

Cucumber- pk. (23) 1.50- 5.50

     24 ct. (24) 8.00- 16.00

Eggplant- pk. (28) 1.00- 4.50

Garlic- bulb (57) .55- 2.00

Green Beans- pk. (102) 5.50- 14.00

Onions- ea. (70) .75- .85

     Pk. (65) 7.50- 12.00

     Bag (13) 17.5-21.00

Pickles- pk. (34) 2.00- 12.00 

Peppers- pk. (71) 1.00- 5.00

     Bu. (177) 1.50- 5.00

     Hot- pk. (68) 5.00- 10.00

     Sweet Banana- pk. (27) 4.00- 6.50

Potatoes- pk. (24) 3.00- 9.00

Yellow Squash- pk. (25) 1.00- 3.00            

      ½ Bu (12) 1.00- 9.00

10# Tomato (470) 3.00- 11.00

     Pk. (25) 2.00- 8.00

     Green (27) 3.00- 9.00

     Yellow (38) 1.50- 9.50

     Roma- pk. (13) 3.00- 16.00

     ½ bu. Canner (124) 1.00- 5.00 

          pk. canner(58) 2.00- 6.50

    Cherry pt. (205) 1.00- 2.00       

     10# Heirloom- (29) 5.00- 8.00

Watermelon (300) 1.50- 3.75

Zucchini- pk. (75) 1.25- 4.25

     ½ Bu (62) 3.00- 9.50

Local strawberries- pt. (34) 2.50- 7.00

Blackberries-12 pt. flat (9) 40.00

     Pt. (13) 2.50- 5.50

Blueberries- pt. (4) 4.50

MUMS- (36) 3.00- 4.50

HIBISCUS- (40) 11.00- 14.00


OTHER- Jam, Peaches, Basil, Elderberries, Honey, Maple Syrup, Ground Cherries, Cut Flowers, Annuals, Tropicals, Planters,