Tuesday, September 30, 2014

A very good Monday auction with great product. We have our last Monday sale on Oct. 6 and continue Wednesday and Friday auctions through October.

                                            Every Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
740-627-1660       owlcreekauction@yahoo.com
Market Report- Monday September 29, 2014

Acorn Squash- (252) .10- .50
Apples- pk. (13) 3.50- 5.00
                Bin- (1) 190.00
Beets- pk. (3) 4.50- 5.50
Buttercup Squash- (188) .35- .60
Butternut Squash- (180) .35- .70
Cabbage- (135) .70- 1.00
Cauliflower- (130) .70- 1.00
Corn- bin- (2) 12.00- 15.00
Cucumber- pk. (3) 4.50
Garlic- bulb- (152) .30- .75
Gourds- ea. (450) .62
                Pk.- (38) 6.00- 7.50
                Large- (187) .45- 5.00
Green Beans- pk. (20) 1.00- 6.00
Indian Corn- 3 ear- (118) 1.70- 2.25
Onions- pk. (3) 3.50- 5.50
                Bag- (23) 9.00- 13.00
Peppers- pk. (9) 3.00- 4.00
                Bu.- red (10)  3.50
                Hot- pk. (15) 1.00- 8.50
Pickles- pk. (4) 10.00

Pumpkins- (1203) .70- 7.50
                Novelty- (405) .60- 6.50

Pie- (1306) .45- 1.00
                White- (40) .80- 2.50
                Mini- (273) .50
                Mini- pk. ()
Spaghetti Squash- (400) .45- .55
10# Tomato- (294) 3.00- 12.00
10# Green Tomato- (42) 3.00- 5.00
10# Yellow- (11) 3.00- 6.00
Roma- pk. (1)  5.00
Watermelon- (255) .35- .90
Zucchini- pk. (26) 5.00- 6.50

Strawberries- pt. (20) 3.00- 3.50

MUMS- (503) 3.50- 7.00
Lg. Mums and Planters- (26) 10.00- 20.00