Monday, June 23, 2014

The selection of veggies continues to grow every week at the auction. Quantities will increase as we get into summer. No flowers at today's auction, but we do expect a selection on Wednesday and Friday.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00    

                                      Monday 6- 23- 2014

Beet- bunch ()
Broccoli- pk. ()
Cabbage- (35) .60- 1.30
Cauliflower- ea. (86) .90- 1.10
Cucumber- pk. (3) 5.00- 6.50
Green Beans- pk. ()
Green Onion- bunch (13) 1.00- 1.30
Kale- 1/2bu. (8) 3.00
Kohlrabi- ea. (111) .35- .55
Lettuce- bag (13) 1.20- 2.00
Local Strawberries- 8qt. Flat (14) 27.50- 31.00
 Pint (5) 2.25
Qt. (10) 4.75- 5.50
Peas- pk. ()
Pickles- pk. (28) 9.00- 12.00
Rhubarb- (16)1.75- 2.75                   
10# Green Tomato- (7) 14.00- 16.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (1) 5.00                  
-½ bu. (8) 6.00- 12.00
Zucchini- pk. (56) 1.00- 4.00
 -1/2Bu. (29) 2.50- 9.00

Also- Garlic Scapes, Radishes, Beets, Chinese Cabbage, Sweet Potato Slips, SC Peaches, Georgia Cantaloupe


Hanging Baskets ()
Planters/ Ovals ()
Annual Flowers- Flats (4) 1.00- 4.00
Annual Flowers- 4”& 6” ()
Vegetables- Flats (18) .50- 1.50
Perennial and Landscape ()