Thursday, October 15, 2015

Volumes are dwindling but quality remains high throughout the auctions. Terrific pumpkins, mums and summer produce! Join us for Friday's sale.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
       Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Acorn Squash- ea. (264) .10- 1.10
Apples- pk. (34) 5.00- 6.00
Beets- pk. (10) 2.50- 9.50  
Butternut Squash- (282) .30- 1.00
Buttercup Squash- (118) .10- 1.00
Spaghetti Squash- (28) .95
Cabbage- ea. (163) .55- .65
Garlic- bulb (113) .25- .60
Green Beans- pk. (21) 5.50- 8.00
Gourds-pk. (23) .50- 5.00
              Bin- ea. (96) .10- .50
            Large- ea. (157) .10- .25
Indian Corn-(35) .70- .80
Onions- Pk. (4) 9.00- 10.00
            Bag (5) 13.00- 17.00
Peppers- Pk. (13) 3.50- 4.50
            ½ bu. (5) 2.50
Hot- pk. (11) 3.00- 3.50
Sweet- pk. ()

Potatoes- pk. (11) 3.00- 6.00

Pumpkins- (335) 1.50- 8.00
     Novelty (152) 1.00- 1.50
                 Pie (1392) .35- 1.00
                 Mini- pk. (3) 5.50
                 Mini- ea. (840) .05- .10
Mini Straw Bales- (36) .50- 1.00      

10# Tomato- (145) 3.00- 18.00
10# Green Tomato- (5) 4.50- 7.50
10# Yellow Tomato- (2) 5.50
Roma Tomato- pk. (40) 3.50- 6.00
½ bu. Canner- (5) 9.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (66) 1.90- 2.20
Zucchini- pk. ()
            ½ bu. ()

Strawberries- pt. (24) 3.50- 4.00
MUMS- (394) .50- 5.00
 LG. - (5) 7.00- 9.00

Other-Baked Goods, Eggs,
Hickory Nuts, Chestnuts.