Saturday, May 26, 2018

May 25 Market Report. Enjoy your Memorial Day Weekend.

Lots of FLOWERS and VEGETABLE PLANTS coming into the auction. Wednesday at 10:00 and Friday at 9:00 are the next sale times. STRAWBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES, STRAWBERRIES.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
 Friday May 25, 2018

Hanging Baskets (303) 3.00- 24.00

Planters/ Ovals (48) 4.00- 32.50 

Annual Flowers- Flats (261) .75- 13.00

Annual Flowers- 4”& 6” (1542) .40- 6.50    
Vegetables- Flats (176) 1.00- 11.00

Vegetables- 4”& 6” (129) 10- 2.00

Large Tomato Plants (19) 1.00- 5.50

Perennial and Landscape (175) .50- 14.00    

Rhubarb Plants (5) 5.00- 6.00


1# Asparagus (76) 2.00- 3.00

Rhubarb (bunch) (34) 1.75- 2.75

Local Strawberries pt. (19) 3.00- 3.50
            Qt. (28) 4.50- 5.00
            8 QT. flat (14) 34.00- 40.00

Local Cucumbers- pk. (12) 4.50- 7.00

½ lb. Shitake Mushrooms (6) 5.00- 8.00

Baked Goods, Eggs, Spinach, Radish, Kale,
Tomato Cages, Seed Potatoes, Strawberry Plants