Monday, October 3, 2016

A light volume day for our last Monday auction of 2016. Lots more coming in on Wed. and Fri. through te end of October. MUMS GALORE AT TERRIFIC VALUES. COLOR ,COLOR, COLOR!!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
       Monday, October 3, 2016

Acorn Squash- ea. (16) .60
Beets- pk. (4) 5.00- 7.00
Buttercup Squash- ()
Butternut Squash- (16) .80
Spaghetti Squash- (236) .15- .50
XL Squash Mix- (310) .05- .75
Cabbage- (6) 1.10
Cucumber- pk. (6) 3.50- 9.00
Eggplant- pk. ()
Garlic- bulb (264) .20- 1.10
Gourds- pk. (13) 2.50- 6.00
            Ea. (1000) .05- .12
            Lg. (198) .25- .50
Green Beans- pk. (23) 2.50- 7.50
½ Runner- pk. (3) 3.00- 4.00
Indian Corn-(3 ear) (148) .25- 1.00
Onions- pk. (20) 2.00- 7.50
            Bag- (19) 8.00- 17.00
Pickles- pk. (8) 6.50
Peppers- bell- pk. (11) 3.00- 3.50
            Bu.- (4) 6.00
            Hot- pk. (17) 2.00- 300
            Sw. Banana- ()

Pumpkins- (891) .75- 6.50
            Pie- (1529) .20- 1.10

            White- ()
            Novelty-(9) 2.50- 6.00
            Mini- pk. ()
                        Ea. (465) .14
Potatoes- pk. ()
Sw. Potatoes- pk. (4) 8.00

10# Tomato- (83) 3.00- 12.00
10# Green Tomato- (8) 3.00- 5.00
10# Yellow Tomato- ()
Roma- pk. ()
Cherry Tomato- pt. (50) .80- 2.10
½ bu. Canner- ()

Yellow Squash- pk. (4) 8.50- 9.00
 Zucchini- pk. (19) 5.00- 9.00

MUMS- (692) .25- 5.00
LG and Planters- (84) 6.00- 16.00
Asters- (24) 1.50- 4.50
Mini Straw Bales (56) .50- 2.00
Other- Eggs, Baked Goods,
Plum Butter