Saturday, October 22, 2016

A rainy, blustery day at Owl Creek Produce Auction. Nice stuff throughout. Growers tell me more MUMS are to come in next week! Produce quality remains high with no frost in sight.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Friday October 21, 2016

Acorn Squash- ea. (90) .10
Apples- pk. (6) 4.00- 7.50
            Bin- (3) 160.00- 210.00

Beets- pk. (5) 2.50
Broccoli- pk. (5) 4.25
            Bu.(3) 8.00
Butternut Squash- (75) .10- .25
Spaghetti Squash- (121) .10- .35
Cabbage- (98) .50- 1.00
Cauliflower- (263) .10-2.75
Garlic- bulb (194) .10- .50
Gourds- pk. (31) .25- 1.50
            Lg. (68) .10- 1.00
Lettuce- (190) .20- 2.00
Indian Corn-(3 ear) (44) .10- .30
Kale- (12) 1.50
Onions- pk. (20) 1.50- 3.00
            Bag- (19) 4.00- 12.00
Peppers- bell- pk. (74) 1.50- 3.00
            Hot- pk. (16) .25- .50
            Sweet- pk. (8) .50- 6.00
Pumpkins- (896) .10- 6.50
Pie- (99) .25- .40
Novelty- (23) .45- .70

Mini- pk. (5) .50- 2.50
Potatoes- pk. (11) 2.00- 4.50
            50# (6) 8.00
Sw. Potatoes- pk. (9) 5.50- 8.00

10# Tomato- (67) 3.00- 17.00
10# Green Tomato- (27) 2.00- 4.00
10# Yellow Tomato- (2) 7.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (35) .25- 1.60
½ bu. Canner- (2) 6.50

Yellow Squash- pk. ()
 Zucchini- pk. (8) 3.50- 6.50

Strawberries- pt. (23) 4.00- 6.00

MUMS- (832) .50- 4.25
LG and Planters- (28) 1.00- 4.50
Other- Eggs, Baked Goods, Cockscomb,