Monday, July 22, 2013

Steady rain but a good auction as always!

Fresh sweet corn- always a summertime favorite- time to freeze or can.

Candy Onions- three meals a day!

If you are new to the blog site, welcome to the place for information about Owl Creek Produce Auction. Started in 2006 as a place for local produce growers to market their seasonal products, the auction has become a hub of the community for all kinds of networking and fellowship. It is a great source for fresh, local produce three days each week; providing all types of  buyers a place to choose from a huge variety of products. Join us often. 
Questions or concerns about the auction can be directed to . See you at the sale!
Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Monday, July 22, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Fresh Local Produce
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 9:00

Apples- Bu.- (7) 9.00- 11.00

Basil- bunch- (11) 1.00- 3.00
Beets- pk.- (2) 7.00
Cabbage- ea.- (160) .60- .90
Cantaloupe- (329) .05- 1.00
Cucumber- pk.- (98) 1.00- 4.50
            24 ct.- (79) 1.50- 5.00
Eggplant- pk.- (7) 6.00- 8.00
Green Beans- 1/2Bu.- (4) 8.00- 13.00
              pk.- (85) 2.50- 6.00
Half Runner- pk.- (3) 6.50
Onions- ea. (60) .45
pk.- (66) 3.50- 6.00
Peaches- ½ pk- (27) 3.50- 5.00
Peppers- ea.- (805) .14- .20
pk- (24) 4.00- 6.00
Bu.- (2) 11.00
Pickles- pk.- (92) 1.00- 4.50
            ½ Bu.- (19) 9.00- 11.00
Potatoes- Pk.- (12) 5.00- 6.00
            5#- ()
            10#- ()
            50#- ()
Sweet Corn- 5 doz. bag- (86) 6.00- 12.00
            Doz.- (143) 1.00- 2.50
10# Tomatoes- (222) 6.00- 14.00
            10# Green-(5) 9.00
            10# Yellow- (5) 15.00
            ½ Bu. canners- (18) 6.50- 11.50
Zucchini- pk. (60) 2.00- 5.00
            ½ Bu.- (15) 7.50
Yellow Squash-pk- (8) 2.50- 5.50
            ½ Bu.- (8) 4.50- 8.50

Blackberries-pt. (28) 3.00- 3.25
            12 pt. flat- (1) 40.00
Black Raspberries- pt.- (11) 2.00- 3.00
            12 pt. flat- ()
Blueberries- pt.- (76) 2.50- 2.75
            12 pt. flat- (9) 24.00- 27.00
Red Raspberries- pt.- (11) 3.25- 3.50
            12 pt. flat-()
Strawberries- pt.-(34) 3.00- 4.00