Monday, October 28, 2013

Activity is slowing at the auction with light volume and fewer items. Our last Wednesday sale is October 30. We expect a selection of local Apples, Tomatoes, Onions, Potatoes, Cabbage, Peppers, and maybe a Halloween surprise or two. There is always a good time to be had for all! Winter hours begin Friday as the auction time changes to 10:00. We will sell Hay, Straw, Fire Wood every Friday through the winter months. Join us and continue to monitor the blog for Owl Creek Produce Auction news and expectations.

This will be the last complete Market report of the season. We will continue to post hay prices after every Friday auction. Thanks for your interest and continuous support of this auction.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
                    Friday, October 25, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Fresh Local Produce
Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 10:00

Acorn Squash- (26) .40- .75
Apples- pk.- (32) 1.50- 3.50  
            Bin- (3) 120.00
Beets- pk.- (9) 1.00- 4.00
Butternut Squash- (165) .06- .50
            Pk-(5) 3.00- 3.50
Cabbage- ea.- (50) .30
Green Beans- pk.- (24) 4.000- 5.50
Eggplant- pk.- (2) 2.00  
Onions- pk.- (10) 5.50- 8.00
25# bag- (1) 16.00  
Peppers- pk- (47) 1.00- 6.50
Hot Peppers- pk.- (22) 1.00- 5.50
Sweet Peppers- pk.- (7) 1.00- 2.00
Potatoes- Pk.- (4) 3.00
            5#- (9) 1.50
            10#- (4) 2.50  
Spaghetti Squash-(74) .60- 1.10
10# Tomatoes- (113) 3.00- 7.00
            10# Green-(14) 4.50- 7.00  
            10# Yellow- ()
            ½ Bu. canners- (2) 2.00
Cherry Tomatoes- pt.- ()
Roma Tomatoes- pk.- (3) 5.00
Turnips-pk.- (34) .50- 1.50
Pumpkins- (36) .25- 1.00
Pie Pumpkins-(166) .15- 2.00
Indian Corn-3 ear bunch- (30) .20

Other- Eggs, Garlic, Jellies, Radishes, Kohlrabi, Celery, Bok Choy, Sweet Potatoes, Strawberries.

Hay- 4 loads- Small Square- 4.50- 5.00
Wood- 6 loads- 20.00- 150.00