Sunday, September 8, 2013

Nice fall product and plenty of tomatoes for canning and fresh use needs.


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
                 Friday, September 6, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Fresh Local Produce
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 9:00

Acorn Squash-(649) .25- .35
Apples- pk.- (86) 4.00- 6.00
            ½ bu.- (22) 8.00- 9.00
            Bu.-(24) 5.00- 10.00
            Bin-(1) 100.00

Basil- bunch- (13) .25- 1.10
Beets- pk.- (2) 9.00
Butternut Squash- (590) .35- .60
Cabbage- ea.- (110) .55- .90
Cantaloupe- (901) .25- 2.50
Cucumber- pk.- (35) 4.00- 9.00
Eggplant- pk.- (4) 4.00
Garlic- bulb- (104) .30- .50
Green Beans- pk.- (34) 4.50- 12.00
            1/2bu.- (14) 7.00- 16.00
Half Runner- pk.- (9) 8.00- 10.00
Onions- ea. ()
pk.- (11) 6.50- 9.50
25# bag- (30) 8.00- 15.00
Pears- pk.- (42) 2.00- 6.50
Peppers- ea.- (718) .10- .40
pk- (160) .75- 6.00
 Bu.- (40) 2.00- 14.00
Hot Peppers- pk.- (32) 1.00- 6.00
Sweet Peppers- pk.- (131) 1.00- 9.00
Pickles- pk.- (8) 6.00- 10.00
Potatoes- Pk.- (27) 2.00- 6.00
            5#- ()
            10 #- ()   
            50 #- (10) 1.00- 11.00
Spaghetti Squash-(59) 1.20- 1.50
Sweet Potatoes- pk.-()
Sweet Corn- 5 doz. bag- (31) 12.00- 14.00
            Doz.- (96) 1.00- 4.00
10# Tomatoes- (307) 3.50- 10.00
            10# Green-(14) 4.00- 8.00
            10# Yellow- (18) 2.00- 11.00
            ½ Bu. canners- (24) 7.00- 9.00
Cherry Tomatoes- pt.- (378) .65- 1.40
Roma Tomatoes- pk.- (54) 3.00- 6.50
Yellow SummerSquash-pk.-(8) 3.50- 4.50
            1/2Bu.- (4) 3.00
Watermelon- (178) .25- 5.00
Zucchini- pk. (27) 4.00- 9.00
            ½ Bu.- (10) 7.00- 11.00

Pumpkins- (359) 1.50- 8.50
            White- (48) 2.50
            Pie- (465) .75- 1.00
Novelty-(72) 3.00- 3.25
Mini- pk.-(19) 6.00- 7.00
Indian Corn-3 ear bunch- (140) 1.50- 1.75
Large Gourd/ Fall Mix-(32) 1.50
Wing gourds-(490) .30

Blackberries-pt. (6) 1.50
            12 pt. flat- (5) 10.00
Red Raspberries- pt.- (4) 3.00
Strawberries- pt.-(13) 1.75

Mums- (404) 1.00- 5.00
            Large-(24) 6.00- 22.00
Hanging Basket Mum-(27) 2.00- 11.00
Asters- (21) 2.50- 5.00

Other- Eggs, Okra, Plums, Tomatilloes, Corn Stalk Bundles, Mini Bales