Monday, September 28, 2020

Where can you find over 5,000 pumpkins in one place? Here at Owl Creek Produce Auction!


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

Monday, September 28, 2020

Acorn Squash

          Pc (552) .15-.35


    ½ pk (43) 2.25-4.00

    Pk (1) 5.50

Butternut Squash

       pc. (527) .25-4.50

       pk (2) 4.00-6.50

       ½ bu (1) 1.00

Cabbage (133) 1.00-1.25

Cantaloupe (5) 1.50

     Sugar Cube (151) .80-1.10

Cauliflower (122) 1.00-4.00

     Purple (9)n1.20-5.50

Cucumber bag (5) 1.75-2.00

Delicata Squash (348) .10-.95

Eggplant- pk. (3) 1.00

Garlic- bulb (139) .35-1.05

Pint of cloves (7) .50-1.50

Gourds pk (5) 4.50-6.00                                   

     Large (2010) .20-2.00

     Apple (90) 2.00

Green Bean pk (9) 1.00-4.00

Indian Corn 3 ear bundles (146) 1.50-4.25

     Mini (54) 2.25-2.50

Onions- ea.

     Pk. (8) 8.00

     Bag (120) 17.50-30.00

Peppers- pk. (16) 3.00-6.00

      Piece (260) .17

     BU (54) 4.00-12.00

     Hot- pk. (30) 1.00-5.00

     Sweet - pk. (9) 2.00-3.50

Pickles (1) 6.00


Qt. (3) 1.00

Pk (6) 3.00

50# (18) 12.00-20.00   

Popcorn (120) .50-1.10

Pumpkins (3020) 2.00-7.00

Fall Mix (283) 5.00-7.00

Mini fall mix (500) .50

Mini pumpkins – (700) .50-.60

Novelty pumpkins (432) .70-6.50

Pie Pumpkins (1764) 0.50-2.00

White Pumpkins (345) 2.30-8.00

Spaghetti Squash (75) .20

      Pk (3) 3.25-4.00

       BU (1) 2.00

Summer Squash pk (6) 3.75-5.00

Strawbery pt (10) 6.00

10# Tomato (85) 5.00-20.00

       Qt (1) 1.00    

       Pk. (31) 3.50-9.50

 Green 10# (15) 2.00-8.00

Green Qt (8) 1.00

     ½ bu. Canner (24) 8.00-8.50

    Cherry pt. (24) 1.10

    Cherry Qt. (24) 3.00

Turks Turbans (90) 1.50

Watermelon (5) 3.00-3.25

Zucchini- pk. (17) 3.00-8.00

     ½ bu (6) 12.00

MUMS- (143) 4.00-23.00

OTHER- baked goods, okra,  popcorn bundles, mini straw bales, honey, swan and egg gourd nests, corn wreaths, eggs,