Friday, May 28, 2021

Cool Friday auction to start the Memorial Day weekend. Join us at 11:00 on Monday.



Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


MONDAY- 11:00, WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 10:00

Friday May 28, 2021


Hanging Baskets- (276) 3.00- 38.00

Planters/ Ovals/ Bowls- (65) 5.00- 43.00

Annual Flowers- flats (131) 2.00- 12.00

Annual Flowers 4”and 6”- (1392) 1.00- 5.00

Vegetables- Flats (185) 1.50- 13.00

Perennials and Landscape- (243) .50- 14.00                                                       

Trees and Shrubs- (64) 3.00- 20.00       

Strawberry Plants- (48) 1.75

Other Berry Plants- (39) 1.50- 5.00

   Local Produce-

Rhubarb (bundle) (10) 3.75- 4.00

Asparagus (1# bundle) (103) 2.75- 3.50

Lettuce (32) 1.75- 3.25

#1 24ct. Cucumber (16) 11.00- 13.00

            #2 24ct. (6) 8.00

Strawberries- pt. (8) 5.25

            Qt.- (4) 8.00

            8 Qt. Flat- (2) 48.00

OTHER- Baked Goods, Jellies, Eggs, Honey, Beets, Green Beans, Peas, Kohlrabi, Shitake Mushrooms, Radish, Garlic Scapes

Re-sell produce- Cut fruit, Peaches, Red Beets, Seed Potatoes