Saturday, October 5, 2013

Good auction Friday morning and we were able to complete it before rain. Have a nice weekend and join us for our last Monday on October 7. Wed and Fri sales continue through the rest of the month.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
                 Friday, October 4, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Fresh Local Produce
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 9:00

Acorn Squash- (167) .20- .70
Apples- pk.- (95) 2.50- 6.50
            Bin- (2) 160.00- 200.00

Beets- pk.- (2) 8.50
Butternut Squash- (111) .30- 1.25
Cabbage- ea.- (190) .55- 1.10
Cantaloupe- (154) .30- 1.00
Cucumber- pk.- ()
Eggplant- pk.- (6) 3.00
Garlic- bulb- (80) .15- .25
Green Beans- pk.- (8) 6.00- 10.00
            1/2bu.- (7) 12.00
Onions- pk.- (32) 3.50- 8.00
25# bag- (8) 9.00- 12.00
Peppers- pk- (62) 1.00- 9.00
            ½ bu.- (171) 2.50- 3.00
 Bu.- (8) 4.50- 6.50
Hot Peppers- pk.- (34) 1.00- 6.00
Sweet Peppers- pk.- (11) 1.50- 5.00
Pears- pk- ()
Potatoes- Pk.- (28) 2.00- 5.50
            5#- (8) 1.25- 2.50
            10 #- ()   
            50 #- (9) 10.00- 12.00
Spaghetti Squash-(76) .85- 1.75
10# Tomatoes- (170) 1.50- 13.00
            10# Green-(7) 3.50  
            10# Yellow- (10) 1.00- 10.00
            ½ Bu. canners- (29) 3.50- 7.00
Cherry Tomatoes- pt.- (47) .60- 1.60
Roma Tomatoes- pk.- (3) 2.00- 4.00
Yellow SummerSquash-pk.-(8) 1.50- 5.00
Watermelon- (14) 1.00- 2.00
Zucchini- pk. (23) 3.50- 7.50
            1/2bu.- (5) 7.00          
Pumpkins- (1091) .90- 19.00
            Bin- ()
            Pie- (370) .55- 1.10
Novelty-(223) 1.10- 4.00
Mini- pk.-(16) 3.25- 6.50
Ea.-(336) .50- .60
Indian Corn-3 ear bunch- (330) .50- 2.20
Large Gourd/ Fall Mix-(116) .100- 8.00
Wing gourds-(933) .06- .65
            Pk.-(6) 5.50

Strawberries- pt.-(6) 3.25

Mums- (234) 1.00- 5.50
            Large-(144) 5.50- 22.00
Asters- ()

Other- Mini Bales, Maple Syrup, Broccoli, Chinese cabbage, Eggs, Baked Goods.