Monday, April 19, 2021

Market report- 4-16-2021

 We had a chilly day for our first Friday auction with very nice product. Sales are scheduled every Wednesday at 11:00 and Friday at 10:00 for the season.


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 10:00

April 16, 2021

Hanging Baskets- (72) 8.00- 24.00

Planters/ Ovals/ Bowls- (57) 5.50- 18.00

Annual Flowers- flats (8) 7.00- 13.00

Annual Flowers 4”and 6”- (88) 1.90- 4.50      

Vegetables- Flats (22) 5.50- 16.00

Vegetables- 4” and 6” (6) .90

            Lg. Tomato (4) 9.00

Perennials and Landscape- ()

Trees and Shrubs- ()


            Local Produce- Baked Goods,  Arugula, Eggs, Jelly, Fudge

HAY- 1st cutting small square- 5.25

            2nd cutting small square- 7.00