Wednesday, October 19, 2016

Great weather continues- very nice produce and MUMS, MUMS, MUMS continue. Friday's auction will have more interesting items for sale.

Beautiful mums continue to dazzle!!

Do you still need a PUMPKIN?  

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Wednesday October 19, 2016

Acorn Squash- ea. (48) .25
Apples- pk. (2) 5.50
            ½ Bin- (2) 50.00- 60.00
            Bin- (2) 225.00
Beets- pk. (4) 5.00
Butternut Squash- (432) .05- .45
Spaghetti Squash- (177) .05- .85
 Squash Mix- (11) .45
Cauliflower- (125) 1.30- 1.60
Garlic- bulb (204) .20- 1.00
Gourds- pk. (15) 1.00- 1.50
            Lg. (247) .05
Indian Corn-(3 ear) (64) .30- .60
Onions- pk. (18) 1.00- 4.50
            Bag- (18) 6.00- 9.00
Peppers- bell- pk. (38) 1.50- 6.00
            Hot- pk. (17) 2.50- 6.00
            Sweet- pk. (20) 1.00- 4.50
Pumpkins- (490) .45- 11.00
Pie- (434) .25- .50
            White- ()
Novelty- (36) .75- 1.50
Mini- pk. (4) .50- 2.00
            Ea. (225) .10

Potatoes- pk. (15) 4.00- 5.50
            50# (6) 12.00
Sw. Potatoes- pk. (12) 4.00- 9.00

10# Tomato- (65) 7.50- 15.00
10# Green Tomato- (12) 3.00
 Cherry Tomato- pt. ()
½ bu. Canner- ()

Yellow Squash- pk. ()         
 Zucchini- pk. (10) 4.50- 6.00

MUMS- (766) .50- 3.75
LG and Planters- (19) 2.00- 6.00
Other- Eggs, Lettuce, Kale, Swiss Chard, Cockscomb