Owl Creek Produce
Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Friday 5/29/2015
Hanging Baskets- (209) 2.00- 22.50
Planters/ Ovals- (124) 2.00- 35.00
Annual Flowers- Flats-(292) 2.50- 11.00
Annual Flowers- 4”& 6”(1182) .25- 8.00
Vegetables- Flats- (178) .50- 11.00
Vegetable- 4”& 6”- (148) .10- 4.50
Large Tomato Plants- (20) 1.50- 9.00
Perennials/ Landscape (128) 1.00- 9.00
Trees and Shrubs- (30) 2.00- 17.50
Strawberries- Pint- (6) 2.25
Quart- (56) 3.00- 5.00
8 Quart
Flat- (22) 22.50- 32.50
Strawberry season is here. |
Rhubarb- bunch- (37) 1.50-
Asparagus- (15) 3.50- 4.00
Great flower and vegetable plant choices. |
Green Onions – (bunch) (77) 1.25- 1.75
Lettuce- (bag) (5) 1.00- 1.75
Zucchini- pk. (3) 12.00
Eggs- (124) 1.50- 2.20
Fla. Watermelon- (340) 1.40- 3.00
Other- Sweet Potato Plants, Dahlia Bulbs,
Seed Potatoes, Onion Sets, Baked Goods, Herbs,
Green Tomatoes, Maple