Monday, July 18, 2016

A good Monday sale to begin the week. Tomato volume continues to increase- great quality and size selection! Peppers and first cantaloupe now are coming in.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
  Monday July 18, 2016

Basil- bunch (16) .50- 2.25
Beets- pk. (5) 7.00
Cabbage- (365) .10- .70                                        
Cauliflower- (93) 1.20- 1.60
Sweet Corn- doz. (20) 4.00- 5.00
            5 Doz. bag- (30) 11.00- 19.00
            Bin per doz.-  (30) 3.50
Cucumber- pk. (85) 2.50- 3.50
            24 ct. (17) 4.50- 5.00
Garlic- bulb (166) .35- .55
Green Beans- pk. (50) 3.50- 9.00
Kohlrabi-(56) .15
Onions- pk. (128) 3.50- 7.50
            Ea. (110) .20- .40
Pickles- pk. (99) 2.00- 6.50
Peppers- bell- pk. (19) 4.50- 6.00     

            ½ bu. (8) 5.50
            Bu. ()
            Bin each (365) .35
Hot Peppers- pk. (5) 3.00
Potatoes- pk. (2) 5.00

10# Tomato- (222) 5.00- 18.00
10# Green Tomato- (13) 4.50- 13.00
10# Yellow Tomato- (9) 12.00- 16.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (41) 2.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (7) 2.50- 3.50
            ½ bu. (13) 4.00
 Zucchini- pk. (54) 1.00- 3.50
½ bu. (48) 2.25- 3.50

Strawberry- pt. (46) 3.00- 4.75
Black Raspberry- pt. ()
            12 Pt. flat (3) 52.00
Blackberry- pt. (25) 2.00- 2.50

Other- Eggs, Dill, Chard, Cantaloupe, Baked Goods