Monday, June 10, 2013

Early morning heavy rain and a low volume of product as a result led to a light day at the auction. Lots more on Wed. and Fri.!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Monday, June 10, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Local Produce, Flowers, Vegetable Plants-
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs- Every Friday 9:00

Hanging Baskets- ()

Planters/ Ovals- ()   

Annual Flower Flats- (5) 5.00- 9.00

AnnualFlowers-4”- 6”pots-(133) .85- 2.25

Vegetable Flats- (14) 1.00- 2.50

Vegetable- 4” pots- (20) .30- 1.50  

Large Tomato Plants- ()

Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- ()
Landscape and shrubs- ()

Local Strawberries- Pint- (9) 1.50
            Quart- (27) 3.50- 4.00
            8 qt. flat- (69) 31.00- 35.00

Zucchini- pk. (42) 3.50- 8.00
            ½ Bu.- (13) 5.50- 8.00

Green Beans- pk.- ()

Lettuce- (32) .60- 1.25

Rhubarb- bunch- (35) .75- 1.75

Radish- bunch- (32) .75

Other- Green Onions, Spinach, Baked Goods, Maple Syrup, Kohlrabi.

Very nice flowers and plant materials continue to come to the auction as we transition to great local produce.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Friday, June 7, 2013                                   Fredericktown, Ohio 740-627-1660
Follow the auction at

Local Produce, Flowers, Vegetable Plants-
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs- Every Friday 9:00

Hanging Baskets- (190) 2.00- 20.00

Planters/ Ovals- (16) 4.50- 11.00  

Annual Flower Flats- (227) .50- 6.00

AnnualFlowers-4”- 6”pots-(1359) .25- 6.00

Vegetable Flats- (94) .50- 11.00

Vegetable- 4” pots- (161) .15- 1.50  

Large Tomato Plants- ()

Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (36) .50- 3.00
Landscape and shrubs- (21) 2.00- 55.00

Local Strawberries- Pint- (9) 2.25
            Quart- (8) 4.25
            8 qt. flat- (47) 31.00- 32.00

Zucchini- pk. (23) 6.50- 8.00
            ½ Bu.- (40) 11.00

Green Beans- pk.- (2) 10.00

Lettuce- (60) 1.00- 2.50

Garlic scapes- bunch- (14) .25- 2.25

Rhubarb- bunch- (9) 3.25- 7.00

Radish- bunch- (4) .80

Eggs- doz- (147) 1.80- 3.30
Other- Green Onions, Spinach, Yellow Squash, Baked Goods, Maple Syrup, Kohlrabi.