Thursday, October 23, 2014

Produce season is definitely winding down with the light volume at Wednesday's auction. Tomato and pepper quality remains high even with the light offerings. Be sure to join us on Friday for more great stuff. WE NEED YOUR HAY, STRAW, AND WOOD CONSIGNMENTS to start our sale at 9:00 sharp. A good demand for all items as we transition into the colder months.

Hay and Straw auction (and a good time) every Friday-
 year round!!

                                                                   Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Market Report- Wednesday October 22, 2014

Acorn Squash- (8) .30
Apples- pk. (29) 3.00- 5.00
                ½ pk. (39) 2.00
                Bin- (4) 130.00- 210.00
Beets- pk. (12) 2.00- 4.50
Brussel Sprouts- pt. (36) 2.00- 2.75
Butternut Squash- (161) .25- 1.10
Cabbage- (77) .50- 1.10

Cauliflower- (216) .50- 1.90
Garlic- bulb- (145) .40- .60
Gourds- ea.- (360) .05- .14
Indian Corn- 3 ear- few
Onions- pk. (24) 1.00- 5.00
                Bag- (5) 7.00- 10.00
Peppers- pk.- green (14) 1.00- 4.00
                Red & Yellow-pk. (19) 2.50- 4.50
                Bu.- (20) 2.00- 4.50
                Hot- pk. (28) 1.50- 4.50
                Sw. Banana- pk. (12) 1.50- 2.50

Pumpkins- (31) .50- 2.25
Pie- (256) .35- 1.00
                Mini- pk. (2) 3.00

10# Tomato- (81) 2.00- 15.00
10# Green Tomato- (13) 2.50- 4.50
10# Yellow- (3) 10.00
Roma- pk. (18) 4.00- 4.50
Sweet Potatoes- pk. (2) 2.00- 4.50
Spaghetti Squash- (105) .15- 1.00

Strawberries- pt. (8) 3.25
MUMS- (170) .75- 2.50