Saturday, October 3, 2020

Great values on high quality fall product. Really nice veggies are still available and we're expecting more three days next week.


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report


MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

Friday, October 2, 2020


      ½ PK (24) 1.00-5.00

       Pk (27) 2.00-5.50

       ½ BU (1) 9.00

       BU (2) 6.50-7.00

Beets PK (5) 6.50-8.00

Cabbage (150) .50-1.10


     Sugar Cube () .45

Cauliflower (174) .55-5.50

   Purple (9) 2.00

Corn dozen (52) .50-4.25

Cucumber pk (21) 5.00-6.50

     24 ct (2) 4.00

Eggplant PK (19) .50-3.00

Garlic- bulb (228) .10-1.75

Gourds PK (25) 2.25-5.00                                   

     Piece (3076) .05-3.00

     Apple gourds (95) .70

    Egg gourds (40) 0.10

    Lunch Lady gourds (75) 2.25

Green Bean PK (53) 3.00-5.50

½ BU (5) 6.50-7.50

½ Runner PK (1) 5.00

Indian Corn 3 ear bundles (303) .20-2.25


     PK (20) 3.50-9.00

     ½ BU (4) 5.50

     Bag (22) 11.00-23.00

Peppers- pk. (82) .50-6.25

     BU (41) 1.00-12.00

     Hot- PK (18) .50-11.50

    Sweet - PK (23) 1.50-3.00


PK (12) 2.00-4.00

Pumpkins (2798) .10-10.00

Fall Mix (396) .50-4.75

Fall Mix Bin (3) 15.00-45.00

Mini fall mix (400) .20

Mini pumpkins  (430) .45-.60

Mini pumpkins PK (32) 2.00-3.50

Novelty pumpkins (1135) .30-4.25

Pie Pumpkins (1695) 0.10-1.10

White Pumpkins (504) .45-4.25

White Pie pumpkins (1540) .90-2.60

Acorn Squash

          Pc (346) .05-.55

          Pk (19) 1.00-3.25

          ½ BU (2) .75

Buttercup Squash (1) .10

     PK (3) 2.00-3.00

Butternut Squash

       pc. (118) .15-1.00

       PK (14) 1.00-2.50

       ½ BU (3) 1.00-1.75

       BU (2) 3.00

Delicata Squash (50) .30

     PK (1) 2.50

Spaghetti Squash (101) .20-1.00

     PK (6) .50-1.00

     1/2BU (3) 1.50

     BU (2) 1.00

Turks Turbans (90) .50


     PK (5) 1.40-4.00

     ½ BU (5) 17.00

10# Tomato (92) .50-19.00

     Pk. (63) .50-8.50

 Green 10# (26) .25-5.00

     Heirlooms (12) 5.00-10.00

     Yellow (3) 3.00-3.50

     ½ bu. Canner (29) 2.50-10.00

    Cherry pt. (68) .45-1.30

    Cherry Qt. (29) 1.00-2.25

Tomitillos PK (3) 5.00

Watermelon (22) 2.00-4.75

MUMS (297) 3.50-26.00

OTHER- pop corn bundles, eggs, swan & egg nests, Aloe Vera, Shrubs, Cactus, Succulents, Herb plants, Swiss Chard, Bread, Carrots, mini straw bales, baked goods, cut flowers, honey, maple syrup, jams, rhubarb, ground cherries, mushrooms, FIREWOOD AND STRAW