Saturday, June 20, 2015

The market report is attached as always. Thanks for your interest in our auction and continue to monitor every sale on this blog page. The transition from flower season to vegetables is in progress. Join us three days every week for the good stuff!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Friday June 19, 2015

Beets- bunch (5) 1.00
Broccoli- head (14) .80
Cabbage- ea (65) .70- 1.50
Green Beans- ½ bu. (2) 15.00
Green Onions- bunch (40) 1.40- 3.75
Kohlrabi- ea. (165) .20- .50
Lettuce- ea. (83) .30- .60
Peas- pk. (11) 5.00- 12.00
Pickles- pk. (12) 7.00- 10.00
Radishes- bunch (18) .80- 1.00
Rhubarb- bunch (31) 1.25- 2.00
10# Tomato- (25) 3.00- 23.00
10# Green Tomato- (5) 15.00- 18.00
Yellow Squash- ½ bu. (44) 2.50- 4.00
            Pk. (4) 2.00
Zucchini- ½ bu. (66) 2.00- 4.00
            Pk. (61) 2.00- 4.00
Strawberries- Quart- (5) 1.75- 3.00
            8 Quart Flat- (16) 31.00- 33.00
Blk. Raspberry- pt. (2) 2.75
SC Peaches- pk. (8)12.00
            ½ pk. (12) 6.00- 6.50

Hanging Basket s- (67) 3.00- 17.00
Annuals- flats (108) .50- 3.50     
Annuals- pots (463) .10- 4.00
Perennials- (78) .50- 8.50

Other- Cauliflower, Basil, Kale,
Baked Goods, Eggs, Herbs,
Shitake Mushrooms.