Friday, May 8, 2020

Market Report- May 8, 2020

Another cool day at the auction. Great product offerings. Thanks to all for practicing the necessary social distancing that we all need to adhere to for the safety of each other.
Auctions will continue WEDNESDAY at 11:00 and FRIDAY at 10:00 this coming week.


Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 10:00

FRIDAY MAY 8, 2020

Hanging Baskets- (257) 4.00- 29.00
Planters/ Ovals/ Bowls- (47) 11.00- 40.00
Annual Flowers- Flats (118) 6.00- 23.00
Annual Flowers- 4”and 6”- (609) .50- 6.25
Vegetables- Flats (28) 6.00- 18.00
Vegetables- 4” and 6” (47) .75- 2.00
Large Tomato Plants- (17) 3.00- 6.00
Perennials/ Landscape- (125) 1.00- 10.00
Trees and Shrubs- (16) 3.00- 15.00
Strawberry Plants- (50) 1.50- 2.40
Red raspberry Plants- (23) 2.00- 4.00
Local strawberries- pt. (10) 4.25
Rhubarb- (10) 2.00- 2.50
Asparagus- (24) 2.75- 4.75

OTHER- Baked Goods, Eggs, Morel and Shitake Mushrooms, Ramps, Honey, Jams, Garlic Scallions