Sunday, June 2, 2013

Nice produce, nice weather, beautiful flowers, and a big crowd made for a big day at Owl Creek.

First Monday  auction of the season is June 3. We expect good quantities of local STRAWBERRIES. 

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Friday, May 31, 2013 
      Fredericktown, Ohio
Follow the auction at

Local Produce, Flowers, Vegetable Plants-
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood, Baked Goods and Eggs- Every Friday 9:00

Hanging Baskets- (272) 3.00- 18.00

Planters/ Ovals- (64) 2.00- 22.00  

Annual Flower Flats- (237) 1.00- 11.00

AnnualFlowers-4”- 6”pots-(1924) .20- 2.10

Large Geraniums- 2- 3 gal.- (24) 3.00- 6.00

Vegetable Flats- (212) 1.00- 11.00

Vegetable- 4” pots- (472) .10- .60  

Large Tomato Plants- (92) .50- 7.00

Perennial Plants/ Bulbs- (33) 1.00- 8.50
Landscape and shrubs- (34) 3.00- 7.00

Local Strawberries- Pint- (12) 2.00
            Quart- (14) 3.50
            8 qt. flat- (62) 20.00- 26.00

Rhubarb- bunch- (55) .80- 3.00

Radish- bunch- () few

Eggs- doz- (75) 1.50- 2.00

Hay- 8 Loads-
            Lg. Round- 10.00- 25.00
            Small Square- 2.00- 4.25
Other- Sweet Potato Slips, Green Onions, Green Tomatoes, Lettuce, Strawberry and Raspberry Plants, Honey, Maple Syrup, Sorghum, Horseradish