Tuesday, June 3, 2014

More consignors for Wednesday's auction.7:30 PM Tuesday- Just returned home from the auction sale barn. It is full of color from some consignors we have not seen in 2014. They bring lots of non-stop begonias in hanging baskets and flats for your beds. Come for some different snapdragons, petunias, and coleus that we will be selling tomorrow. Some neat perennials, too. Oh yes, fresh picked strawberries and seasonal local produce will be available.

We had very low product volume at Monday's auction- no one ever knows what to expect on the first Monday. Even with the rainy weather, growers picked excellent STRAWBERRIES to bring to the sale. We know quantities will increase for the next couple of weeks as strawberry season gets in full swing. We have three action days each week now through the summer and fall.

Beautiful locally grown- picked on sale day- never fresher!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
740-627-1660       owlcreeknews.blogspot.com
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00

Monday 6-2-2014

Hanging Baskets (34) 6.00- 19.00

Planters/ Ovals (14) 3.00- 15.00

Annual Flowers- Flats (8) 6.00- 16.00

Annual Flowers- 4”& 6” (300) .70- 7.50

Vegetables- Flats (28) 1.00- 6.00

Vegetables- 4”& 6” (117) .20- 1.30

Large Tomato Plants (4) 5.50 – 7.00

Perennial and Landscape ()

Trees and Shrubs ()

Rhubarb- (19) 1.50- 2.25
Local Strawberries- 8qt. Flat (27) 17.00- 31.00
Qt.(60) 2.50- 4.00
1# (28) 2.50- 3.75
Lettuce- (15) .65- .90

Also- Baked Goods, Eggs, Asparagus
Herbs, Kale.

June's Calendar