Wednesday, August 12, 2015

A beautiful day for a well attended auction. We sold more than 900 dozen sweet corn. Good quantities of cantaloupe and watermelon for our sale. The quality remains good throughout the entire auction. Join us for a big Friday at 9:00. MUMS are here!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Wednesday August 12, 2015

Acorn Squash- ea. (10) .35
Apples- pk. (2) 6.00
Beets- pk. (13) 4.00- 9.00
Cabbage- ea. (2402) .25- 3.75
Cantaloupe- (1696) .15- 2.25
Cauliflower- ea. (53) 1.00- 1.20
Corn- Doz. (108) 1.50- 4.00
 5 doz. Bag (51) 5.00- 15.00
            Bin per doz. (546) 1.00- 1.75
Cucumber- pk. (26) 4.00- 10.00
            24 ct. (3) 7.00- 9.50
Eggplant- pk. (4) 5.50
Garlic- bulb (221) .20- .55
Green Beans- pk. (55) 6.00- 11.00
Half Runner Beans- pk. (11) 5.50- 10.00
Onions- Pk. (71) 4.50- 8.50
            Bag (26) 13.00- 17.00
Peaches- Pk. (27) 3.50- 13.00
            ½ pk. (16) 3.00- 9.50  
Peppers- XL- ea. (560) .25- .50
Pk. (44) 2.00- 7.50                   
Bu. (54) 3.50- 6.00
Hot- pk. (28) 3.00- 8.00
Sweet- pk. (30) 2.50- 4.00

Pickles- pk. (9) 3.00- 19.00
Plums- ½ pk. (27) 4.50- 8.00
Potatoes- pk. (59) 2.50- 8.00
50#- (8) 7.00- 8.00
Pumpkins-(12) 1.75
Rhubarb- bunch (10) 1.00- 1.35  
Everbearing berries are terrific!
10# Tomato- (175) 3.00- 13.00
10# Green Tomato- (21) 6.00- 8.00
10# Yellow Tomato- ()
Roma Tomato- pk. (62) 4.00- 10.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (191) 1.00- 1.45
Watermelon- (805) .75- 5.00
Yellow Squash- ½ bu. (12) 7.00
            Pk. (6) 2.50- 5.00
Zucchini- ½ bu. (16) 8.00- 8.50
            Pk. (28) 3.50- 7.50

Strawberries- pt. (27) 3.00- 4.00
Blackberries- pt. (18) 1.00- 3.75

MUMS- (98) 3.00- 5.00
Asters- (8) 5.00- 5.50
Other- Basil, Tomatillos, Garlic Powder