Thursday, June 5, 2014

Volumes of flowers and plant material are beginning to decrease as the season changes to thoughts of Strawberry shortcake and fresh vegetables. A nice selection of hanging baskets and bedding flowers is still coming in. Beautiful non-stop Begonias, Dahlias, and all types of Geraniams highlighted Wednesday's auction. Strawberry volume will increase in the coming days and weeks so join us three days each week for all the fun!

Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00

Wednesday 6- 4- 2014

Hanging Baskets (234) 3.00- 21.00

Planters/ Ovals (61) 1.25- 26.00

Annual Flowers- Flats (144) 1.00- 13.00

Annual Flowers- 4”& 6” (1893) .10- 6.50

Vegetables- Flats (108) 1.00- 13.00

Vegetables- 4”& 6” (76) .25- 1.50

Large Tomato Plants (22) 1.50 – 5.50

Perennial and Landscape (27) 2.00- 8.00

Trees and Shrubs (41) 1.00- 30.00

Berry and Grape Plants (36) 3.00- 8.50

Rhubarb- (21) 2.50- 4.00
Local Strawberries- 8qt. Flat (22) 31.00- 33.00
Qt.(12) 3.00- 4.50
1# (15) 4.00
Asparagus (15) 1.75- 2.50
Green Onions- bunch (28) .80- 1.00

Also- Eggs, Zucchini, Apples, Potatoes.