Thursday, August 27, 2015

WOW- Mums and more Mums to go along with the great produce selection at Wednesday's auction. Come on out Friday at 9:00 for more- and fry pies too!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Wednesday August 26, 2015

Acorn Squash- ea. (185) .40
Apples- pk. (2) 4.50- 7.00
            ½ pk. (24) 2.50- 7.00
Basil- bunch (18) 2.00
Beets- pk. (11) 2.00- 8.50
Cabbage- ea. (478) .40- 3.00
Cantaloupe- (1216) .20- 2.20
Cauliflower- ea. ()
Corn- Doz. ()
 5 doz. Bag (17) 9.00- 12.00
            Bin per doz. (190) 1.60- 3.00
Cucumber- pk. (8) 5.00- 8.00
Eggplant- pk. (7) 6.50
Garlic- bulb (167) .40- .60
Green Beans- pk. (50) 8.00- 10.00
Half Runner Beans-pk. ()
Onions- Pk. (60) 4.00- 8.00
            Bag (37) 10.00- 19.00
Peaches- ½ pk. (12) 8.00- 11.00
Pk. (2) 11.00
            ½ bu. (3) 6.00- 14.50  
Peppers- XL- ea. (965) .20- .45
Pk. (86) 2.00- 7.50                   
Bu. (11) 7.00- 7.50
Hot- pk. (29) 5.00- 12.00
Sweet- pk. (49) 3.00- 8.50

 Pickles- pk. (4) 4.00- 12.00
Plums- pk. (18) 7.00- 8.00
            ½ bu. (13) 11.00- 13.00         
Potatoes- pk. (42) 1.00- 5.00
50#- ()
Pie Pumpkins-(210) .80- 1.10
10# Tomato- (496) 3.00- 10.00
10# Green Tomato- (22) 5.00- 6.50
10# Yellow Tomato- (52)2.00- 8.00
10# Heirloom- (3) 10.00
Roma Tomato- pk. (41) 2.50- 12.00
½ bu. Canner- (44) 4.00- 4.50
 Cherry Tomato- pt. (84) 1.20- 1.70
 Watermelon- (520) 1.00- 5.50
Yellow Squash- pk. (10) 5.00- 7.50
Zucchini- pk. (3) 4.50
            ½ bu. (6) 14.00

Strawberries- pt. (27) 4.50- 7.00
Blackberries- 6oz. x 12case (34)
10.00- 12.00

MUMS- (604) 1.50- 5.00
            LG.- (34) 7.50- 14.00
Asters- (32) 2.00- 3.50
Other- Cut Roses, Kohlrabi, Elderberries, Tomatillos.