Saturday, July 18, 2020

Vey nice veggies and berries three days each week. 11:00 Monday,Wednesday, Friday.

Order buyer services with delivery arrangements are available. Contact Dan Miller on sale day mornings 9:00- 10:00 at 740-694-1970 for details. 

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

FRIDAY JULY 17, 2020
Local strawberries- pt. (19) 4.50- 6.00
Black Raspberries- pt. ()
Blueberries-pt. (39) 3.50-4.50
Blackberries- pt. ()  
Beets-pk. (5) 6.00- 7.00
Broccoli (25) .30- 3.50
Cabbage (71) 1.00- 2.30
Cantaloupe (346) 1.00- 2.00
Cauliflower (155) .40- 2.400
 Corn- doz. (80) 5.50- 6.00
Cucumber- pk. (52) 1.00- 4.00
            24 ct. (30) 4.50- 7.00
Eggplant- ½ bu. ()
Garlic- bulb (250) .35- .65
Green Beans- pk. (37) 10.00- 14.50
Kohlrabi- ea. (25) .45
Onions- ea. (284) .70- 1.30
            Pk. (23) 6.50- 12.00
Pickles- pk. (71) 1.50- 9.00
Peppers- pk. (6) 4.00- 9.00
Potatoes-red pk. (13) 8.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (14) 1.00- 3.50            
                     ½ Bu (9) 4.005.00
10# Tomato (128) 7.00- 21.00
            Pk. (24) 3.00- 9.00
            Green (16) 16.00- 19.00
            Yellow (4) 23.00
            ½ bu. Canner (4) 4.00- 8.00
            Cherry- pt. (7) 2.00
Zucchini- pk. (71) .50- 7.00
 ½ Bu (39) 4.00- 9.50                                                         

OTHER- Baked Goods, Eggs, Jam, Peaches, Cut Flowers, Peas,  Honey, Basil, Maple Syrup, Shitake Mushrooms, Carrots