Monday, July 6, 2015

A good day at the auction with high quality throughout. See you on Wednesday for more.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Monday July 6, 2015

Basil- bunch (5) 2.00
Beets- Pk. (6) 10.00
Broccoli- pk. ()
Cabbage- ea. (530) .15- 1.00
Cauliflower- ea. (86) .70- 4.00
Cucumber- pk. (68) 2.00- 4.50
            24 ct. (14) 2.00- 4.00
Garlic- bulb ()
Green Beans- Pk. (14) 8.50- 9.00
 Onions- bunch ()
            Pk. (37) 7.50- 10.00
Kohlrabi- ea. (76) .25- .35
Pickles- pk. (88) 2.50- 9.00
Rhubarb- bunch (9) 1.75- 2.00
10# Tomato- (140) 11.00- 18.00
10# Green Tomato- (6) 8.00- 11.00
10# Yellow Tomato- (5) 12.00- 14.00
Yellow Squash- ½ bu. (37) 3.00- 4.00
            Pk. (21) 2.00- 3.50
Zucchini- ½ bu. (41) 3.00- 4.50
            Pk. (65) 2.50- 5.00
Blueberries- pt. (137) 2.00- 3.25
            12 pt. flat- (6) 20.00- 39.00
Strawberries- pt. (5) 3.25
Blk. Raspberry- pt. (18) 2.75- 4.00
            12pt. flat- (5) 45.00
Red Raspberry- pt. (17) 2.50- 3.25

 Other- Baked Goods, Roma beans