Friday, September 18, 2020

A cool fall morning with lots of fresh produce and decorator items offered at the auction. Join us for more on Monday at 11:00 for more.


                         Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report

    740-627-166 .MONDAY- 11:00- WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 11:00

FRIDAY SEPT. 18, 2020


Apples- pk. (34) 4.00- 10.00

                ½ pk. (11) 5.50- 6.50

SQUASH-Acorn - (816) .30- .85

      Butternut (441) .50- 2.25

      Spaghetti (322) .30- 3.00

      Delicata (100) .65

Cabbage (72) 1.50- 2.50

Cantaloupe (98) .50- 1.50

Corn- doz. (10) 3.00- 5.00

     5 Doz. Bag (2) 16.00

     Bin per Doz. (19) 4.00  

Cucumber- pk. (22) 4.50- 8.00

Garlic- bulb (275) .25- 1.10

Gourds- pk. (39) 4.00- 5.50

     Ea.  (2392) .20- .60

     LG. (403) 1.20- 3.75

Indian Corn- 3 ear (260) 3.25- 5.00

Onions- Pk. (16) 8.00- 14.00

     Bag (22) 14.00- 27.00

Peppers- pk. (11) 4.00- 9.50

     Red& Yellow- pk. (21) 4.50- 7.50

        ½ Bu. R& Y (23) 3.50- 4.00

     Bu. (58) 6.00- 15.00

     Hot- pk. (19) 2.00- 5.00

     Sweet Banana- pk. (18) 4.00- 9.00

Potatoes- pk. (7) 2.00- 5.00

Pumpkins (1965) 1.75- 15.00

      White (178) 1.00- 10.50

      Lg. White (53) 4.50- 14.00

      Pie Pumpkins (1474) .65- 1.50

      White Pie (547) 1.40- 3.00

      Novelty (798) 1.25- 6.00

      Mini- pk. (40) 6.50- 8.00

      Mini- ea. (2944) .25- .95

10# Tomato (113) 3.50- 16.00

     Pk. (31) 3.50- 8.00

     Green (28) 1.50- 11.00

     Yellow (15) 4.00- 9.00

     Roma- pk. (5) 4.00- 9.00

     ½ bu. Canner (60) 4.00- 8.00 

      Cherry pt. ()

     10# Heirloom- (2) 6.00

Watermelon (12) 3.00

Zucchini- pk. (27) 2.00- 7.00

     ½ Bu (13) 11.00- 15.00

Local strawberries- pt. (4) 3.50

MUMS- (361) 2.50- 10.00

                LG-(90) 13.00- 29.00

Mini Straw Bales (77) 2.00- 4.75


OTHER- Baked Goods, Eggs, Honey, Maple Syrup, Shitake Mushrooms, Cut Flowers, Corn stalk bundles