Saturday, August 17, 2013

It is finally feeling like summer at the produce auction. A full compliment of produce is arriving each day, with a few late summer items beginning to come in. Join us three days each week for great product.

 Fresh Fruit  from local farms and orchards!

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Friday, August 16, 2013   Fredericktown, Ohio

Follow the auction at

Fresh Local Produce
Monday at 11:00, Wednesday, and Friday- 10:00
Hay, Straw, Wood and Baked Goods- Every Friday 9:00

Apples- pk.- (65) 2.00- 12.00
            1/2bu.- (4) 4.50- 6.00

Basil- bunch- (25) .60- 1.50
Beets- pk.- (15) 8.50- 10.00
Cabbage- ea.- (184) .25- .85
Cantaloupe- (873) .25- 3.50
Cucumber- pk.- (11) 3.00- 9.50
            24 ct.- (6) 4.00- 8.50
Eggplant- pk.- (14) 2.00- 7.00
Garlic- bulb- (157) .35- .40
Green Beans- pk.- (25) 5.00- 14.00
            1/2bu.- ()
Half Runner- pk.- (12) 11.00- 12.00
            1/2Bu.- ()  
Onions- ea. (70) .75
pk.- (53) 3.50- 10.50
25# bag- (25) 9.00- 15.00
Peaches-  pk- (44) 3.50- 9.00
            ½ bu.- (69) 5.00- 15.00
Pears- pk.- (13) 1.00- 2.50  
Peppers- ea.- (1543) .18- .34
pk- (136) 1.50- 11.00
 Bu.- (39) 3.00- 10.00
Hot Peppers- pk.- (47) 1.50- 9.00
Sweet Peppers- pk.- (18) 5.50
Pickles- pk.- (5) 9.00- 9.50
Potatoes- Pk.- (37) 3.00- 6.50
            10 #- (6) 4.00
            50 #- ()
Sweet Corn- 5 doz. bag- (36) 18.00- 21.00
            Doz.- (467) .50- 4.00
10# Tomatoes- (351) 3.00- 16.00
            10# Green-(38) 6.00- 9.00
            10# Yellow- (16) 3.00- 12.00
            ½ Bu. canners- ()
Cherry Tomatoes- pt.- (294) .30- 1.40
Roma Tomatoes- pk.- (66) .25- 6.00
Yellow SummerSquash-pk.-(3) 4.50- 6.50
            1/2Bu.- ()
Watermelon- (858) 1.50- 6.00
Zucchini- pk. (15) 10.00- 13.00
            ½ Bu.- ()

Blackberries-pt. (82) 2.00- 3.25
            12 pt. flat- (15) 23.00
Blueberries- pt.- ()
            12 pt. flat- ()
Red Raspberries- pt.- (1) 3.00
Strawberries- pt.-(5) 4.25

Mums- (100) 2.50- 5.50

Other- Herbs, Eggs, Baked Goods, Rhubarb, Red Cabbage

Hay- 7 loads
     Small Square- 1.75- 4.50
     Large Round- 20.00- 27.50
Beautiful Blackberries!