Friday, May 15, 2020

Nice spring product throughout the auction today. Below is the sale summary.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
WEDNESDAY- 11:00 and FRIDAY – 10:00

FRIDAY MAY 15, 2020

Hanging Baskets- (332) 7.50- 25.00

Planters/ Ovals/ Bowls- (39) 9.00- 24.00
Annual Flowers- Flats (229) 5.00- 16.00

Annual Flowers- 4”and 6”- (1656) .25- 5.00
Vegetables- Flats (50) 3.00- 26.00
Vegetables- 4” and 6” (70) 1.50- 4.50
Large Tomato Plants- (77) 4.00- 7.00
Perennials/ Landscape- (279) .75- 5.00
Trees and Shrubs- (21) 1.00- 19.00
Strawberry Plants- (116) .55- 2.25
Raspberry Plants- (22) 2.00- 8.00
Rhubarb Plants- (8) 3.00- 5.00

Local strawberries- pt. (6) 7.25

OTHER- Baked Goods, Eggs,  Morel and Shitake Mushrooms, Rhubarb,
 Ramps, Fla. Tomatoes, Jelly Onion Sets

     Small Square- 3 loads- 3.25- 6.00 / bale
     Large Square- 1 load- 65.00 / bale