Tuesday, September 22, 2015

Summer produce volume is beginning to dwindle but quality remains high for the offerings we see at the auction three days each week. Very nice PUMPKINS and MUMS, MUMS, MUMS. See you Wedneday at 10:00.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
740-627-1660       owlcreeknews.blogspot.com
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Monday, September 21, 2015

Acorn Squash- ea. (430) .25- 1.20
Apples-Bin (2) 200.00- 210.00

            ½ bu. ()
 pk. ()
            ½ pk. ()
Basil- bunch (4) 1.50
Beets- pk. (3) 5.00- 6.00
Butternut Squash- (204) .80- 1.00
Buttercup Squash- (204) .65
Spaghetti Squash- (100) .75
Cabbage- ea. (176) .40- .50
Cantaloupe- (33) 1.30- 1.90
Cauliflower- (47) 1.10- 4.00
Cucumber- pk. ()
Eggplant- pk. ()
Garlic- bulb (177) .35- .60
Green Beans- pk. (15) 8.00- 9.00
Gourds-pk. (43) 3.50- 9.00
              Bin- ea. (900) .26- .30
            Large- ea. (783) .25- 1.50
Grapes- pk. (28) 10.00- 13.00
Indian Corn-(52) 1.75- 2.50
Onions- Pk. (10) 3.50- 9.00
            Bag (32) 10.00- 18.00
Pears- pk. ()
Peppers- Pk. (8) 4.50- 9.00              
Bu. ()
Hot- pk. (21) 2.50- 4.00

Sweet- pk. (5) 4.50
Pickles- pk. (23) 7.00- 12.00

Potatoes- pk. (23) 2.50- 4.00
50#- (18) 10.00- 13.00

Pumpkins- (1126) 2.25-10.00
    White (132) .50- 2.20
     Novelty (751) .75- 11.00
                 Pie (2076) .35- 1.00
                 Mini- pk. (35) 2.50- 4.50
                 Mini- ea. (300) .45
Mini Straw Bales- (48) 1.60- 2.00    

10# Tomato- (194) 5.00- 14.00
10# Green Tomato- (39) 3.50- 6.00
10# Yellow Tomato- (8) 4.00- 9.00
Roma Tomato- pk. (16) 3.00- 9.00
½ bu. Canner- (23) 4.00- 10.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (18) 2.00
 Watermelon- (330) 1.25- 5.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (15) 3.50- 8.00
            ½ bu. (3) 12.00
Zucchini- pk. (8) 4.00- 9.00

            ½ bu. (17) 5.00- 14.00

Raspberries- pt. (9) 1.00- 1.50
Strawberries- pt. (37) 2.75- 3.50
MUMS- (381) 1.00- 6.50
            HB & LG. - (13) 6.50- 23.00
Asters- (5) 5.00

Other- Eggs,
Baked Goods