Wednesday, September 4, 2019

Beautiful fall product coming in each day. Lots of MUMS with a good selection of colors.

Next sale Friday September 6 at 10:00.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 11:00 and Friday- 10:00

Wednesday September 4, 2019

Acorn Squash (380) .25
Butternut Squash ()
Spaghetti Squash (292) .25- .90
Delicata Squash (36) .50        
Cabbage (235) .45- 1.20
Cantaloupe (542) 1.20- 1.80
     Sugar Cube (110) 1.20- 1.40
Corn- Doz. (72) 1.75- 6.50
     5 doz. Bag ()
     Bin- per doz. (168) 4.75- 5.75

Cucumber- pk. (26) 1.00- 7.00
      24ct. (74) 4.00- 9.00
Eggplant- pk. ()  
Garlic- bulb (168) .20- .35
Gourds- bin each (420) .35- .65
      LG. (273) 1.10- 2.25
Green Beans- pk. (85) 4.00- 9.00
     ½ bu. (17) 9.00      
Onions- ea. () 1.00  
 pk. (10) 7.00- 10.00
Bag (21) 12.00- 20.00
Peppers- bell- BU. (36) 3.00- 8.00
     ½ bu. (14) 4.00- 7.00
     Pk. (33) 2.00- 5.50
     Red & yellow- pk. (36) 2.00- 7.00
     XL ea. (675) .14- .29   
     Hot- pk. (54) 3.00- 9.00
     Sweet Banana- pk. (33) 2.00- 3.00
Pickles- pk. (40) 2.00- 6.00
Plums- pk. (15) 3.00- 6.00
Potatoes- pk. (21) 5.00- 6.00
Pumpkins (217) 2.00- 9.50
    White (7) .50 5.50
     Pie (983) .55- 1.50
     Mini- ea. (1000) .31- .36   
10# Tomatoes (215) 6.00- 13.00 
  Peck (70) 3.50- 10.50

     10# Green (21) 5.00- 6.00  
     10# Yellow (15) 3.00- 15.00
     Heirloom (12) 13.00
     Roma- pk. (32) 3.50- 6.00
     Cherry- pt. (108) .25- .80
          12 pt. flat (13) 3.00- 5.00
     ½ Bu. Canner (13) 10.00- 14.00
Watermelon (970) .35- 2.75
Yellow Squash- pk. (13) 4.00- 7.00
Zucchini- pk. (26) 6.00- 9.00
      ½ bu. (9) 8.00- 11.00

MUMS (566) .50- 6.00

LG. & Planter (71) 5.00- 12.50

Perennials (12) 2.00- 10.00
Mini Straw Bales (48) 1.50- 2.25

OTHER-, ornamental grass, tomatillos, peaches, apples, pears, grapes, rhubarb