Saturday, August 6, 2016

Friday August 5 market report. We will be having our annual field walk Monday evening August 8. If you are interested in the growing processess and where your food comes from, call me about attending. 740-627-1660.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00, Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
  Friday August 5, 2016

Basil- bunch (41) .55- 1.60
Beets- pk. (18) 4.50- 7.00
Cabbage- (222) .45- 1.00
Cantaloupe- (3664) .10- 2.25                                       
Cauliflower- (69) 1.10- 2.25
Sweet Corn- doz. (39) 3.50- 4.50
            5 Doz. bag- (77) 10.00- 13.00
            Bin per doz.-  (690) 2.00- 2.75
Cucumber- pk. (26) 4.50- 9.00
            24 ct. (51) 6.00- 9.00
Eggplant- pk. (18) 2.00- 5.00
Garlic- bulb (216) .30- 1.00
Green Beans- pk. (31) 6.00- 12.00

            ½ bu- (6) 17.00
Half Runner- pk. (1) 13.00
Onions- pk. (100) 2.50- 6.00
            Ea. (404) .25- .50
Pickles- pk. (46) 2.50- 9.00
Peaches- pk. (52) 2.50- 9.00
Peppers- bell- pk. (39) 2.00- 5.50
            ½ bu. (14) 3.00- 10.00           
            Bu. (9) 6.0
            Bin each (1672) .15- .28
Sweet Banana- pk. (10) 6.00
Hot Peppers- pk. (41) 2.50- 8.50
Potatoes- pk. (28) 5.50- 8.00
Spaghetti Squash- (10) 1.00

10# Tomato- (624) 2.50- 15.00
10# Green Tomato- (22) 1.00- 3.50
10# Yellow Tomato- (13) 3.00- 12.00
Cherry Tomato- pt. (669) .35- 1.90
½ bu. Canner- (16) 3.00- 7.00
Yellow Squash- pk. (10) 1.50- 3.00
            ½ bu. (30) 2.00- 3.50
 Zucchini- pk. (45) 3.00- 5.50
½ bu. (27) 4.00- 7.50

Strawberry- pt. (32) 3.50- 4.75
Blackberry- pt. (40) 3.25- 5.25
Other- Eggs, Baked Goods, Okra, Dill,
Rhubarb, Spinach, Kohlrabi