Saturday, July 11, 2015

Corn and melon season is upon us.Time to can, freeze and store for later use. Get high quality LOCAL PRODUCE here for your family's needs.

Owl Creek Produce Auction- Market Report
Fredericktown, Ohio
Monday- 11:00 Wednesday- 10:00 and Friday- 9:00
Friday July 10, 2015

Beets- Pk. (17) 4.50- 7.00
Broccoli- ea. ()
Cabbage- ea. (277) .15- 1.50
Indiana Cantaloupe- (150) 2.30- 2.50
Cauliflower- ea. (70) .70- 1.75
Corn- doz. (30) 2.75- 4.25
            6 doz. Bag (17) 15.00- 18.00
Cucumber- pk. (117) .50- 3.00
            24 ct. (100) 2.00- 5.00
Garlic- bulb (178) .25- 1.20
Green Beans- Pk. (74) 7.00- 10.00
½ Runner- pk. (4) 9.00
Lettuce- (7) 1.00- 1.25
Onions- Pk. (145) 6.00- 10.00
Kohlrabi- ea. (139) .20- 1.20
Pickles- pk. (46) 3.50- 9.50
Potatoes- pk. (6) 6.00- 6.50
Rhubarb- bunch (46) .60- 2.00
10# Tomato- (174) 8.00- 16.00
10# Green Tomato- (13) 11.00
10# Yellow Tomato- (15) 8.00-14.00
Yellow Squash- ½ bu. (52) 3.50
            Pk. (4) 2.00
Zucchini- ½ bu. (20) 2.00- 4.50
            Pk. (43) 2.00- 4.50

Blueberries- pt. (69) 1.50- 3.50
            12 pt. flat- (21) 17.50- 26.00
Strawberries- pt. (9) 2.50- 5.00
Blk. Raspberry- pt. (9) 3.75
            12pt. flat- (2) 50.00
Red Raspberry- pt. (4) 3.00

Other- Baked Goods, Eggs, Hanging Baskets, Tomato Stakes.